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Showing posts from March, 2008

The real first post

O.k. That last post was really just a test as I was setting things up. Now the real, good stuff begins. Where to next? My kids and I are on our way to Ecuador for a month of Spanish language school. Steve will be joining us the middle two weeks of our adventure. I will answer each question in turn. Why spanish school? We don't know any spanish. Actually hablo Espaniol en poco. Muy poco. (The people who know spanish and are reading this are probably laughing.) Tate and I went to Honduras two years ago and I figured we would be able to get by because lots of people speak English. It is pretty much a universal language, right? Wrong! I could not function and felt very detached from the people and culture I was learning about. (The same thing happened in France but that was o.k. The French did not want to talk to me anyway.) We got separated from the fluent Spanish speaker we were with and I nearly had a meltdown. I coped by going into a Wendy's (yes, they have Wendy...


I have always admired people who have these cool blogs. Actually, I think I have admired they time they have to set them up. Little did I realize that it was so easy. Not that anyone has dropped in my estimation. Now I just feel that this part of life is no longer a mystery to me. I wonder what will move into that spot? Hang gliding? For the next month my family and I will be in Ecuador attending Spanish school. I have spent the last few weeks planning and packing and arranging and we finally leave today. Why am I staring a blog now??! I was awake at 4am and have time to kill. Enough of this intro. It is boring anyway.