Apparently I forgot to put what I typed up the past few days on the flash drive so a real post will have to wait for tomorrow. I did want everyone to know we are alive and well, however, and are starting to gear up for the trip home this weekend. I am sitting in a puddle of sweat right now so I think I will log off and go jump in the ocean across the street. Hasta Luego!
Again, this computer will not take an SD card. However, I am drinking the best coffee I've ever had while writing this so it's mas-o-menos. (good and bad) We were only able to spend the one night in Bocas del Toro because we made reservations at a specific hotel in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica and they only let you cancel if the can rebook. Thus, for the third day in a row we were on the move. That is really exhausting so I'm glad we are in one place for at least three days now. It took us about five hours to get here from Bocas. We first had to get a water taxi to get back to mainland. They were very busy that day so we had to wait an hour for that. Then I splurged and paid for us to get a direct minibus to the border. Otherwise that would have been a taxi then two different busses to get there. Then we spent 30 minutes getting visas and stamped out of Panama. After that we walked across a rickety, rusted bridge into Costa Rica. From there another office for cus...
Be careful in all your travels home.
We love you guys!